Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Started!

Well, it is official - I have decided to compete for Mrs. Arizona America 2010.  At times I think I may be crazy, since my plate is already full with having just moved back to Arizona this summer, having a baby at home to take care of, looking for a house, and working part-time.  But I've been waiting to compete in the Mrs AZ pageant for 5 years while we were living in Colorado!

So here is just a glimpse at what I need to accomplish between now and May 2010:

  • Obtain sponsors for the entry fee and program book ad.
  • Get new headshots.
  • Decide on my competition attire - gown and interview suit.
  • Get ready for swimsuit competition.  I have got to get my muscle tone back!
  • Begin volunteering with local organizations, attend community events, etc.
  • And so much more!!!!!
I am really looking forward to this journey.  Even though Jackson is young, I think it's important that he learn how important it is to have dreams and to go for them.  The best way to teach such life lessons is through leading by example.

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