Monday, March 29, 2010

Cystic Fibrosis 65 Roses & Fine Wine Dinner

I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's 65 Roses and Fine Wine Dinner held at the Montelucia in Paradise Valley.  The event earned it's name "65 Roses" because children often have difficulty pronouncing Cystic Fibrosis, so they say "65 roses". 

What an amazing event - beautiful setting, great people, over 100 wines, fantastic food and a great cause. I had a blast with the 3 CFF employees that I was paired with that night.  I was personally in charge of selling "prize boxes".  We had a table full of over 60 "prizes", each box contained a description of the prize you won.  Boxes sold for $100 or 3 for $250.  Let me just tell you I think it might be easier selling prize boxes at a charity event, than it is selling checking accounts!  I managed to sell all but 12 boxes by the end of the cocktail hour.  Not too bad considering the current economy. 

Thank you Lori Wray for putting on such a beautiful event.

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